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2002-10-09 - 4:19 p.m.

Okay...this seems like an interesting game to play...let's see...

Gorm's Year in Review thusfar...

12th Night - Got made Golden Dolphin Herald and sat at the Consult table most of the afternoon. Spent the evening in a room with entirely too many peers feeling completely out of the conversation...but intersting things came out of it.

Tourney of Ymir - Went to get the last couple of armor pieces and fence. Fenced okay, couldn't get the armor pieces...still...1 out of 3 wasn't bad.

Feb Atlantian University - Held my first Golden Dolphin Roadshow, was well received. Sat another Consult table.

Coronation of Logan and Isabeau - Went just to hold the consult table, almost got blown away by the wind.

Sapphire Joust - Went and fought in the rapier tourney, had a marevelous time. Tried out the pavillion for the first time and it stood, although we needed to redo the center pole.

Night on Board...originally forgot this rapier event. Lousy cabin mates (talking in high loud voices until 3 AM...good grief)

Highland River Melees - Arrives 2 hours late courtesy of a flat tire. Got to do some archery and heavy fighting...just enough to realize that I needed to get in better shape...had a conversation that ended up placing me and Rhi in House Drunken Badger.

Baronial Champions - Did the "Hey...let's see if we can fight in BOTH the rapier and heavy tourneys back to back". Double killed everybody in the rapier tourney, got some nice compliments on my defense. Too bad my offense isn't as good...gotta work on that. Got so very screwed by the random draw as to be the first person into the ring in the "Royal Rumble" tourney...ahh well. Presented Balynar with Cletus and Laverne Possum.

Last Chance - We had a plan, and it was going well...then it rained...and rained...and rained...did I mention the rain? We've still got things wet from that event. Busted the center pole for the pavillion, but aside from that, no damage. Did manage to pass my first aid and CPR cert tests at least.

Pennsic - First time going to a camping event as part of a Household, and wow did it make a difference. Didn't fight as much as I would have liked, but still, was a fun trip. Sat and did three shifts of Heraldry at the Point. Learned to carve soapstone.

Coronation of Cuan and Padraiga. Spent all day behind the Consult Table. Saw what could have been the shortest apprenticeship on record.

Seige of Glengary - Aethelmarc event, only went to do chiurgeon stuff. Had a good day with that.

Fall University - Took the rapier eval clinic, saw just how bad my lean was on tape. Took that to practice the following tuesday and actually saw some improvement...could turn into something real cool. Sat the consultation table again.


Crusades this weekend, gotta decide to do rapier or CA or heavy...tough call...

Atlantian Crown in November, see the new Prince and sit the Consult table. Someday I may fight in one of these, but not this one.

Unevent...meetings and lots of em. Consult table between the meetings.

Feast of St. Fortunas in December...Friar Thomas is getting Laureled...damn straight I'm going.

Hmmm...only 16 (whoops...forgot one, make it 17) events...somehow it feels like so many more...I'm sure I've forgotten some...or perhaps I haven't been as busy as I feel. Dunno.

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