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2002-10-07 - 1:01 p.m.

Hmmm...something new to file away in the "Let's annoy Colin-G and FoxPhotog" files (said with all due love and care, btw...they both know I'm working tounge in cheek here).

Despite all the claims how 'Republicans are better at managing the economy', Slate has run the numbers and determined that "since 1900, Democratic presidents have produced a 12.3 percent annual total return on the S&P 500, but Republicans only an 8 percent return"

And the Stock Trader's Almanac runs right near the same figures using a different metric.

There's a myriad of possible explanations...but amongst those that could be valid is that Soaking the Poor to give to the rich might just not be as effective as equitable taxation and economic policies in terms of managing the economy for growth.

Ehh...what were those poor people going to use the money on anyhow...they'd just waste it on rent or food...the economy depends on Oil Tycoons being able to bbuy $27Million palaces.


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