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2002-10-11 - 9:56 a.m.


The weather forecast for Crusades is starting to look distinctly A20YCish...

Well...that's okay...I've got good boots, and maybe a fun sloshing about in the mud and muck would make for something to lift me out of the mood I've been in for the past week.

Assuming it's not so wet that things get cancelled...that would suck.

But, there's always the backup plan of being a Herald, or taking classes or somesuch. I'm sure I'll find *something* to do.

Just not sure *what*.

Leaving work sometime between 12 and 1, dashing home, throwing stuff in Das Truck, trying to tarp it so it doesn't get but *so* wet, then taking off...the goal is to get past DC before rush hour traffic becomes unbearable...we'll see how successful we are.

And how damp.

Anybody got a virgin to sacrifice to the weather Gods/Goddesses/whatever?

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