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2002-10-04 - 9:10 a.m.

OH...OKay...I'll follow the crowd...

  1. Living arrangement? Married for four and 1/2 years to the lovely Gina/Rhiannon/Eilis/, it's not a swinging thing...her name is changing, and you knew that...get your mind out of the gutter (and make room for mine!) We live in a 1600 square foor ranch style house on an 1.3 acre wooded lot in the middle of nowhere

  2. What book are you reading now?

    Depends on what I pick up from the bedside table as I'm drifing off to rest. Currently in the rotation are various Dilbert Cartoon books, Lord of the Rings, a few Tom Clancy novels and "1000 A.D." a book about life in England at the turn of the first milennium

  3. On your mouse pad?My mouse of course...silly person...

  4. Favorite Board Game?Trivial Pursuit.

  5. Favorite Magazine? Probably Sports Illustrated, since it's the only one that gets delivered regularly around here...but I'll read anything in the Doctor's Office.

  6. Favorite Smells?Fresh baked bread with the butter melting on it

  7. Least Favorite Smells?

    Vomit and crap...either will make me vomit, which smelling that makes me vomit and it just becomes an icky cycle.

  8. Favorite Sound?

    Silence...both outside and inside my's why I like the 1.2 acre wooded lot in the middle of nowhere :)

  9. Worst Feeling in the world?

    When you know you're saying something and it's absolutely the wrong thing to say and you don't really mean what you're saying and it's too late to stop saying it now...

  10. The first thing you think of when you wake up in the morning?

    "Is it a weekend? Can I roll over and go back to sleep? Is it *really* time to wake up? (for me that's a legitimate question, I frequently awaken in the middle of the night convinced I'm intensely late for something)

  11. Favorite Color?

    Blue, any deep dark shade of blue. That's why I haven't changed the defaulte template...I like the color :)

  12. Favorite song?

    Whatever's running through my head at the moment...which generally means whatever was played last on the radio on the way into work...yeah, it's pathetic...cope.

  13. How many rings before you answer the phone? Hopefully less than 4, or else you're off to voicemail land.

  14. Future child's name?

    Well, since there aren't likely to be any child of Berra's, haven't really thought about it much.

  15. What is most important in life?

    Leaving an impression so that when you're done, someone will say "You know, he mattered". Since there is no afterlife for your life to matter in, all that matters is did you impact those who are still around.

  16. Favorite Foods?

    Fried chicken and homemade macaroni and cheese

  17. Chocolate or Vanilla?

    Chocolate...definetely chocolate

  18. Like to drive fast?

    Not as fast as some of you maniacs!!!

  19. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? Nope...I sleep with a SAMURAI BUNNY RABBIT!!!

  20. Storms- Cool or scary?

    If they're far away, Cool...if they're close, Scary...ask me sometime about seeing a tornado from 400 yards away and closing...

  21. What type was your first car?

    A 1977 Ford Mustang II that averaged about 5 miles to the major repair...

  22. If you could meet one person dead or alive, who? Probably a guy who washed up on the shores of New Bedford Massachusetts in the late 1800's at the age of 2, who got christened "John Pawn" by the locals who adopted him...seeing as how he one of my Great-Great Grandfathers, and the only branch of the family tree that noone knows anything about.

  23. Favorite drink?

    The distilled juice of human fear and excitement...

  24. Zodiac Sign?


  25. Do you eat the stems of broccoli?

    Not willingly

  26. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be?

    Stand-Up comedian. But I can't be humorous deliberately...some would say I can't be humorous spontaneously either, but I say those people should meet Mr. Frying Pan.

  27. If you could dye your hair any color? Exactly the color it is noone would know...

  28. Ever been in love?

    Only for the last 5 1/2 years or so...

  29. Is the glass half empty or half full?

    SHLURP!!!! Now it's totally empty...get me something more to drink, please.

  30. Favorite Movie?

    Wow...toughie...Probably "Major League"

  31. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys?

    They're the right ones for me.

  32. What's under your bed?

    I'm afraid to look and see...

  33. Favorite Number

    217...why I don't know...

  34. Favorite Sport to watch?

    Contrary to the opinions of the wife, it's not competitive spitting...I find Curling addictive to watch, and I like a good game of baseball or hockey.

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