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2002-09-30 - 11:05 a.m.

Ahhh downtime...a far too rare luxury of late.

Nope, didn't go to Viking thing. Didn't go anywhere, actually, other than to the Staples on Saturday to get some heraldic photocopying done. Just sat around the house and vegged.

Hadn't done much of that

Didn't quite do nothing...we started working on one of those plywood chair things...kinda like the portable thrones, but tons less ornate. We actually got the pieces roughcut and the back and seat pieced together before energy levels dropped too low so we stopped.

But still, it looks like it should work, and should be a ton better looking than the Wal-Mart folding monstrosities.

And now starts a mini-push. Next weekend is University down in Raleigh, then Crusades up in the upper reaches of Maryland. Then, the weekend after that going to Maryland again for a mini-vacation.

Have to decide sometime in the next few days what I am going to do at Crusades. This is the only time of the year when carrying an almost full authorization card causes problems.

I could be on the rapier field.

I could wear the full armor and be part of a shield wall.

I could wear the CA armor and be Death with a Crossbow.

(I could just sit at the Heraldic consult tabl...NO! This is my fall event to fight and make myself ill and all doesn't sound nearly as good on the screen)

I could go for the ridiculous overexertion and do rapier and CA. Did that two or three years ago. Was gonna last year, but my rapier armor developed a hole such that I couldn't use it for rapier, so I just did the CA.

Guess I'll have to see what the schedule is like. Wish they wouldn't do all of the cool melees at the same time...but I guess it's the only way to squeeze in all that fighting in one day.

Whatever I'm going to do, should probably bring it to practice tomorrow to make sure I can do it still.

Regardless, it's a good problem to have.

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