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2002-09-24 - 7:08 p.m.

SOme people are addicted to cocaine...

Some People are addicted to tobacco...

Some People are addicted to alcohol...

Some people are addicted to sex...

Some people are addicted to hitting each other with sticks...

Some people are addicted to running marathons...

Me...I'm addicted to snocones...and I have proof...three gallons of it in the pantry. Three gallons of syrupy goodness.

and yes, the diabetic wife is my pusher...she came over to my desk today and reminded me to call the party equipment rental place to see if they had syrup.

So I called at 4:30. Yes, they had syrup (an equipment rental place??!#??). BUt they closed at 5:30.

We work until 5...and it's 45 minutes from work to home.

So, of course, we left work early. :) Got there at 5:27, bought 1 gallon each of grape, cherry, and lime, put the $26 on the debit card, and went home.

So tonight it's a snow cone orgy!!!

God, I love my wife.

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