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2002-09-18 - 3:58 p.m.

So it's 9/18/2002... been a busy week.

Went to Seige of Glengary this past weekend, that was cool. Did my 3rd apprentice chiurgeon event, so just one more good event and I can have yet another "Things that the Heavy Fighter Community disses" merit badge.

I can say that, I'm a Heavy Fighter...and a Combat Archer, and A Fencer, and a Herald, and someone who has sewn his own garb, and someone who has sewn his own pavillion (with help).

Thankfully, most folks aren't like the vocal minority who thinks it's all about swinging the sticks. I just hate it when I run into the few who do.

The lawfirm split sorta happened, sorta didn't happen this past weekend. All of the techie things happened, so we're now on our own domain, with our own e-mail, etc, etc. But we're still employees of the old firm because the new firm couldn't get liability insurance set up in time.

It's supposed to happen by the end of this month. Not worth worrying about, so long as the checks come in that's all that matters.

Still ploughing through the 102 Heraldic Things submitted in August (mostly Pennsic). Have to get the letter done by the 27th, so I can print and copy and stuff and mail by the 30th. I'll make it, it just won't be pleasant.

Coming soon will be University followed by Kingdom Crusades. Crusades is the event I first authorized Sword and Shield 5 years ago. This year I'll either be swinging sticks, shooting arrows or playing rapier...or maybe going for the suicidal sweep again and trying to do rapier *and* CA in the same day...

Nope...I think Rhiannon/Eilis would kill me if I tried to do that...rightly so.

Which reminds me, gotta get the reservations sent in ASAP. Laters.

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