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2002-08-05 - 2:26 p.m.

74 hours and 34 minutes.

It's not that I live my life for Pennsic, I don't, really. Pennsic is fun, lots of fun, it's also lots of work. This year I'll likely be spending more time doing stuff for other people (working at Chiurgeon's Point, Herald's Point, and probably one late shift at security) than I will be doing "fun" stuff.

But for 9 days, I won't have to deal with all the garbage I put up with at work. I won't have to spend an hour fixing other people's data entry errors. I won't have to worry about waking up at 7:15 AM. I won't have to worry about much of anything. Nine days of not wondering about security changes in the Post-9/11 world. Nine days of not really watching my watch, unless it's a class or a battle I *want* to be somewhere at a specific time for.

All told, this should be fun. And we're almost ready for it. Have to screw about 50 cuphooks into the camp signs, and find my belt/pouch and mocassins...dunno where they are, probably the toolbox in the back of the truck.

I'm not a physical specimen, but I'm ready.


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