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2002-08-18 - 2:35 p.m.

War...quite simply...was hell...

But the nice kind of hell...the kind that brings most of us back year after year...why...I don't know. short....

Got a new crossbow...that rocks. No, I won't take it on the field for CA...I'm not that stupid!.

On the other hand...during the Hadrian's Wall battle, I managed to break *FOUR* crossbows ( three times and then another one once), but still...need to talk to some sort of bowstring God/Goddess about the problems.

Atlantia took submissions from the Herald's Point consult table for the first time in several years...we expected about 50...we took in a few that weren't quite ready to come home with me when I left site...grand total of about 100 items to process in September...and that's usually my downtime month (yeah...right...)

Learned that the laws of thermodynamics do indeed apply at Pennsic...23 lbs of turkey plus 700 ounces of oil equals a big fireballing mess! Fortunately no damage was done. I may tell this tale in more detail tomorrow...this is just the highlights show.

Yes, they fixed the fort, but it doesn't look all that sturdy to me...I'm not sure about it for future years.

Atlantia lost the woods battle...for the first time in Cuan's memory (some folks think 15 one had bothered to count it out for certain).

Apparently, next year's War Chiurgeon is going to be a person who has never even worked a single shift at Pennsic in the past...but since she's the Midrealm's Kingdom Chiurgeon, she was able to appoint herself...which pissed off the vast majority of my household.

Archery on the top of Mt. could be worse, I guess...

Soapstone carves a lot easier than I thought it would, so the casting of things will be starting soon, I think.

The pavillion project was a success...both pavillions kept several raining storms on the outside, other than a little bit of drippage through the door closures at the top.

We have to make new chairs.

I'm exhasuted.

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