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2002-04-02 - 4:35 p.m.

Well...this weekend was interesting on a number of levels.

I discovered just how much hair two cats and a dog can shed in 48 hours, and just how much my sinuses love that.

(cryptic zenlike mode engaged!)

I discovered that sometimes, if you want to ask someone something but you're waiting for that someone to ask you the same something and you don't want to be rude by asking them before they ask you, sometimes, you gotta ask, cuz they won't ask first.

On the other hand, I also discovered that sometimes, if you don't ask, they will ask you, even if they usually don't ask anyone.

(cryptic mode off)

In other words, Rhi and I went to go and visit a couple of our SCA friends up near the Va/WVa border. They were having a weekend long birthday party, and we had an invite to crash at their place. So we did :)

Lots of interesting things happened that weekend, virtually none of which have thing one to do with the SCA (and that's a darned good thing every now and then). One of them, though, definetely did.

Over lunch on Saturday, Rhiannon and I were invited to join a Household.

Nope, she isn't apprenticing to anyone, I haven't caught the eye of a Knight, and neither of us is becoming anybody's protege. This is the other type of household, a bunch of folks who have fun doing the stuff they do in the SCA, and who happen to share a common belief.

In this case, the belief is "Service is enough, in and of itself" (Heck...put that in Latin and you've got a nifty motto...might have to pursue that...).

The Household consists of folks who take their service to the SCA seriously, very seriously. I don't know that there were any heavy fighters in the bunch before they recruited me (and there's plenty of folks who wouldn't call me a heavy fighter...but I've got my auth card that says I am!). I think there's three rapier folks, including me and Rhiannon.

What there is, though, is a BUNCH of service...

  • One of the three parts of the Laurel Herald's office
  • The chief of the waterbearing department for the upcoming Pennsic
  • A Master Chiurgeon who is also very artistically inclined
  • Someone who is *always* sitting troll, or doing the other behind the scenes stuff that makes an event work
  • and a bunch more...

We've known most of the principals of the Household for well over a year now, and they're very calm, very cool, very opinionated, but very friendly people.

Yeah, there's a couple of folks in the house who are in a committed lesbian relationship. So what?(Many folks out there have an issue with their lifestyle...I ask how exactly does that harm you? Open your mind a little, it doesn't hurt, really it doesn't. It's not like they're dragging you off to their bed or making you watch them in it, or are you upset that that's not what they're doing?)

We weren't expecting the invitation, but it wasn't unwelcome. The deal was that membership in the House doesn't keep either of us from pursing a fealty relationship with someone else should that be where our path takes us. The House really only gets together at the *Big* events, and if we ever become dissatisfied, we can resign at any time and our time will be cheerfully refunded.

And we get the benefits of whatever networks folks have within the house...or at least an entree into them.

So, we looked at each other, thought about it for like five seconds, and accepted.

So, we're now a part of House Drunken Badger.

Guess that shoots my "unaligned" status straight to hell...aww shucks.

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