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2002-03-29 - 11:42 a.m.

So...another week gone by.

We've got a pre-approval for the mortgage...that's cool. Hoping all the pieces fall into place...I'm mildly scared by the responsibility and all of the "Umm...we always feel like we're only just barely meeting our committments..can we afford another one?" kinda thing...but I guess that's natural.

Only a half day of work today (which is almost over..yippee!!!), then we're going up to a friend's in Western VA to celebrate her birthday. Should be a fun weekend with friends.

Aside from that, not a heck of a lot happening. The new engineer here at work seems to have his head on straight, and he's not a moron, so that helps. They're letting me be the DBA that I wanna be, that's a good thing. Perhaps I can arrange for a title change at some point...oughta help in the future.

Gina's a week into her job here...and...well...the firm wasn't really ready for her. We've been too busy digging out of the overwork we made for ourselves to be ready for a new person. But that'll pass soon, and she'll fall into role, and all will be well.

Probably about time to continue reading this case's version of War and Peace...the "Final Notice of Settlement of Nationwide Hip Prosthesis and Knee Prosthesis Product Liability Class Action Litigation". A lovely 39 page document wherein we discover the wonders of "Reprocessed InterOp Acetabular Shell Implants" and their affect on the world. Apparently it's very, very important to find out if someone has "Non-Union of either a tibial tubercle osteotomy" or "Non-union of a trochanteric osteotomy".

Dunno...neither sounds like much fun to me.

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