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2002-03-07 - 4:10 p.m.

Hmm...something me at least.

According to the Laurel King of Arms...guess who told him that St. Aidan as originally constituted and chartered was not an Order, and shouldn't be registered as such...

Herveus? BUZZ!!!! wrong...your second guess?

Vard? BUZZ!!! Strike two...One more try...

Batcok? I'm sorry, all your guesses are wrong.

The correct answer is...the Atlantian Kingdom *SENESCHAL*.

No Herald made the change. The seneschal said "This is NOT an Order", and Laurel acted accordingly.

So, I imagine the College of Heralds of Atlantia can expect a full apology from all of the members of St. Aidan who have been accusing us of going off on power plays and preventing the Royal Whim?

Will the members be signing onto the Seneschal e-mail list and badmouthing their intents?

Will any of them even say "Gee...I'm sorry"?

I don't think I'll be holding my isn't my color anyhow.

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