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2002-02-13 - 12:51 p.m.

Hey, cool...I don't really have to choose between a weblog and a daily update, I can just do whichever works on a given day...excellent!!! is a better day than yesterday was. Rhiannon is working through the getting a resume together and getting it ready for the world, and she has a plan.

It helps that really, between her severance and the 60 days notice they gave her and state unemployment bennies, it's quite a while before this will be a big hit in the pocketbook. She's still pretty darned well upset at the shortsighted Republitheives who caused this problem, but it may well end up for the best.

Have to finish up the month's Golden Dolphin stuff tonight. It's about 2 or 3 hours work to get the letter together, compile the comments, make sure it all prints up correctly, format it for e-mail send, and get it out. Then, of course, it all starts over again for March's submissions, of which there's already 10-12.

That's about it, really. The server's back up, so I guess I should go work.

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