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2002-02-11 - 11:54 a.m.

Well...I'm home with a headache and needing to take care of Rhiannon's migraine today...but that's not necessarily a bad thing...but it gives me a chance to download the weekend...which is definetely a good thing.

We weren't supposed to go to Ymir...but events made it so we we did. I had three goals...fight in the rapier tourney, get my new heavy stuff looked at and see if it's possible to use it to fight heavy, and see about getting a left arm and shield from a merchant.

Well...there weren't any Armorers at the event, so there went goal three. Goal two kinda depended on goal three or finding a shield to borrow, and as neither of those was down to goal one.

But that's enough, really.

The rapier tourney was a single elimination roundshield tournament. Before it started there was a Bearpit warmup. I did pretty well...didn't really wipe the floor with everyone, but won about as many as I lost...and felt pretty good about myself.

Then, of course, I walk into a shot in the first round of the real tourney...ahh well.

Thankfully, there was a second scenario, a four person "Gods versus Humans" melee. The Humans could reserrect, and had three minutes to get past the Gods and rescue a tabard. The Gods had special weapons that had special powers.

So there was enough fighting. Didn't get to work with the heavy stuff, but that's tomorrow at practice perhaps.

On the plus side, it was a fun day with our friends. After the event we went out to pizza and stuff, and had some fun conversation.

Was a good day.

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