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2002-02-08 - 1:35 p.m.

Big change in plans for the weekend...

We were going to be going and picking up a bigole sewing machine (Not sure, but I think bigole is a brand name...) so we can start sewing on our new pavillion (for which the fabric is sitting in the SCA room mocking us as we speak...).

But, the lady we are going to be borrowing said machine from isn't going to be available this weekend because of a crisis (and a darned good one at that...I won't tell what it is, but I hope it all comes out alright for her and hers). So, instead, we're gonna daytrip to Ymir.

Rhiannon is trying to put together a sample basket of her weaving and cording to enter in the Viking stuff display/competition. Dunno if she'll get it together in one night, but she'll sure as heck try hard :)

There's going to be three things on the adgenda for me. First, I'm going to fight in the Rapier tourneys (at least, in the roundshield one, and hopefully the other one, depending on what it is). Secondly, *IF* I can scrape together a shield and legal shield arm armor and get the other stuff I bought on tuesday to fit right tonight, I'm going to try and fight in the Heavy double elim tourney. Third, I'm going to try and get the stuff to have a shield and legal shield arm armor :)

Yes...the guy who vented yesterday about Duke Sir Cow is going to try to enter a, I'm not insane...probably....maybe...I've got new legs that are hung well, for the first time ever, and a body harness that fits and protects well, for the first time ever. A good combination, I think.

My first several attempts at armor put it mildly...failures. Again, it's the "No Household, little help" biting me in the derierre (sp?). Rhiannon and I tried our best, reading pages and pages of stuff, watching other fighters in their gear, and working and reworking stuff...and yet, it still kept not working right.

THinking about it, that's what I think both her and I wish we could get from a House...the built-in "Hey, you're having problems with X...I know how to do that, let me help you" factor. Folks have never really come out of the woodwork to help us, so we've had to flail on our own, and get frustrated, and it sucks.

Ahh well...they say the third time is the charm...hopefully I'll be charmed :)

I'll let ya know how the weekend went when the weekend is over.

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