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2002-02-07 - 12:58 p.m.

My, that was a fast morning...

Got in and immediately got swamped with a request for 16 reports and a screen change...and it all had to be done RIGHT NOW! (the lawyers in question had been in since 5:30 AM figuring out what they needed...reminds me why I never went to law school).

And, of course, since I'm the first programmer in (at's rainy and traffic was coworkers usually rollin between 8:45 and 9:15...the tradeoff being I'm out the door at 5:00 sharp, where they are here until 6 or 6:30) the entire enchilada gets dropped in my lap.

Fortunately, it turns out that it's really only 8 reports, done twice with a very minor tweak in the second one. And really, of those 8, 6 are pretty similar, and at 8:15 Tommy came in (he's the other person on the early shift) and took the other two from me.

So we had all 16 reports in the lawyer's hands by 9:30. Not bad, not bad at all.

Anyhow...that gave me a chance to read through the SCA-Atlantia Diaryland diaryring. What's that you ask? Why, it's a chain of Diaries, set up by my beloved Lady Rhiannon, intended to connect the several of us that are a> SCAdians, b> in or interested in Atlantia, and c> have Diaryland diaries. Not sure, but I suspect most of my audience (listening for crickets chirping) falls into those three

If you're interested, sign into your page, then Click on "Diaryrings Directory on the side menu, then look for sca-atlantia.

Alternatively, go to: This page That'll work just about as well :)

So far there's just three of us...maybe that'll change :)

Anyhow...reading through, I noticed that my Lady posted about my run in many years ago with Duke Sir Cow...and I'm sure *someone* will

No sh*t, there I was....

It was our first Pennsic (27 for those of you scoring at home), and I was a relatively newly authorized fighter, and also a relatively newly married person. Pennsic was, in fact, our honeymoon (yeah, it was 6 months after we were was Wednesday of War week, and Atlantia had decided that they wanted to have a "Royal Hunt". This is a fun and interesting Heavy fighter kinda thing, wherein a bunch of fighters dress up as animals, and the rest of us team up and go "hunt" the animals...scoring points for your kills.

So, there was a team of Wolves, and a team of chickens, and a turtle, and several other animal teams and a team of Cows...Mad Cows.

Did I mention yet that the cows were all Atlantian Dukes...think Michael, Logan, and Anton and you're on the right track.

Have I mentioned that I was a NEW fighter? Okay, just checking...

Since I was such a new fighter, I didn't have a team of they stuck me with a bunch of other folks who didn't have a team, and off we go.

Anyhow...the Cows were the big point items (10, if I recall correctly, but I am not certain) of course my team decides they have a hankering for steak.

Five fairly new unbelted fighters, four sword and shield and one glaive (me)...versus three Atlantian Dukes swinging florentine.

So about three milliseconds into the fight, it's me and the three Dukes, with the rest of my team lying on the ground waiting to make the trip to res point.

I have no shield, and I wasn't real good with a glaive. Sir Corby might have been able to do something good in this situation (of course...Sir Corby wouldn't have *found* himself in this situation...but that's why he's SIR Corby and not unbelted fighter Corby). Me, on the other hand...was toast.

Logan (I was rather a blur) gets me with a perfect wrap to the back of my left thigh, right below the waist, then a head shot.

So, we're dead...back to Res point.

At this point, I advocate the merits of a vegetarian lifestyle, but my teammates would have nothing to do with back into the woods, and right back to the Cows...

Michael (I was still rather a blur) gets me with a perfect wrap to the back of my left thigh, right below the waist, then a head shot.

So back to res point, and back into the woods.

And yes, the team decides "Hey, we're behind, we need the big point cows".

Need I describe the rest? Didn't think so.

Anyhow...after this is over, I drag my carcass into our rented pavillion, swearing off hamburger forever (Yeah, okay, that didn't last long, but at the time it was going to be tofu and bean sprouts forever), and start to strip off my clothes to take a much deserved shower.

The next sound the entire camp hears is my beloved and blushing bride yelling "Oh My God...what is THAT!!!"...and No, I'm not talking about any newlywed kinda stuff

My entire left thigh was a bruise. Literally, from waist to knee, from front to back. One big purple splotch.

The fighters among you are saying "well Duh Gorm...block that spot!". But still...sheesh.

That's the story of Gorm and Duke Sir Cow.

Okay...this is about 4000 times longer than it needs to later on folks.

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