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2002-06-24 - 10:00 a.m.

Four days and two hours to go...and it's all out of our hands now.

Spoke with the mortgage company, and they've got three pieces of paperwork they still want to see. ONe was easy, the well certification. I sent that over this morning.

The other two we're waiting on our lawyers to provide. They have to send in a copy of the termite inspection and the survey. I know we passed the termite inspection, I was there when it happened. The survey...well...for all I know the crews got lost in the back 40...

Called the lawyer this morning and they're working on it, I guess...doesn't make me feel any less worried. I probably shouldn't be worried, there's 4 days and there's nothing left that can't be done via fax.

Then we get to go to the bank and get a *large* check. That should be fun.

On other notes, the minilino project came up four feet short of the needed canvas this very close...but not quite there. Have to call Hamilton Dry goods and get them to ship three yards to us...kinda unfortunate that that's all we need, but life goes on. The roof for the minilino is sewn, the walls start tonight I'm told.

Have to get the June LoI written tonight as well. No worries.

So, that's my entry for the day. What happened to you this weekend?

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