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2002-06-13 - 1:52 p.m.

Well, the other shoe dropped on the home purchase yesterday.

Dimwittie County doesn't think the guy we're trying to buy the house from owns the house...they think the contractor who built the house owns the house.

Which is news to the contractor (I spoke with them), as well as the guy we're trying to buy the house from (also spoke to him).

His lawyer is going to get it straightened out...but difficult could it be to spend $109,000 and buy a house on 1.5 acres?

Apparently a lot harder than it should be...

The bump on my head is shrinking, and it only hurts when I rub it (Yes, I know, everyone out there is saying "Well don't rub it then"...problem is, that's one of my reflexive thinking poses, rubbing the sides of my head).

Going to Highland River Melees this weekend...should be fun. See many of you there!

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