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2002-06-12 - 9:05 a.m.

Well now, that was fun...for some value of fun.

Most everyone who reads this knows that I do (on very rare occasions) strap on a helm and get hit in the head with large rattan sticks.

Strangely enough, I've never (knock on wood) been seriously hurt doing that, just some minor (and not so minor) bruises and the occasional scrape.

On the other hand, I also play on the Bowman and Brooke softball fact I have to miss fighter practice to play on the softball team.

This season, in 12 games, I've managed to get spiked in the shins and last night got hit in the head with a ball.

Lemme tell you, soft-ball is a BIG FAT LIE! There wasn't anything soft about the blur of white that bashed into my temple at 450,000 miles an hour while I was innocently running to first base.

(Complete honesty disclaimer, it was probably more like 10 miles an hour...but I wasn't in a position to judge at that given moment).

So I crumble to the ground (after getting to the base...yeah me)...Rhiannon says I just kinda flumped. Apparently I also assumed a protective position (Hey, the "Die Defensively" lessons paid off...excellent!). I don't think I lost consciousness, or if I did it was only for the briefest of instants.

No real damage, just a lovely knot on my left temple, and a bit of uncomfyness. No concussion, not even a really good black eye (although there is some darkness to my eye, but it doesn't really look any worse than it usually does with Wednesday level exhaustion...)

Funny thing first reaction was to call the shot good...

I'm at work today, and all is basically fine. Still going to Highland River Melee's this weekend, still planning on strapping on a helm and getting whacked with sticks...although just being an archer is seeming more and more appealing...

Pondering wearing my Viking close-faced helm to softball next week...wonder if it meets ASA regulations.

Oh well, just 5 more weeks, 10 more games. Hopefully no more injuries.

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