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2002-06-06 - 11:32 a.m.

It's another boring house update, so you probably want to move on...but for them what care ( tm Colin-g) here's where things stand:

The financial part, surprisingly enough, has been the easiest thusfar. The "Good Faith Estimate" of how much it will cost us out of pocket at closing was $5014.05, including the down payment. We've got some of those costs tied down better now, and my calculations put it at closer to 3260, $200 of which we've already paid. But, on the other hand, I know damned near nothing about all of this...all I know is that we're aiming for a June 28th closing, and allegedly we're getting a call on the 27th saying "You need to have a certified check for X amount for tomorrow".

At the moment, we've got $5,000 budgeted for this, and another thousand or so as a backup, and we could squeeze another 1000 out of the budget by eating macaroni and cheese and paying the minimum payments on the credit cards for a month rather than the usual amounts we this part I'm relatively comfy with.

The rest is all inspections. The termite inspector was here yesterday, and we passed with flying colors. What's left is the well and septic inspections. Allegedly, they're inspecting the septic system as I type this (or at least sometime today). I doubt there could be a problem, I mean, the toilets and sink work good...a septic tank is supposed to be good for a family of 4 for 5 years without pumping, and we've only had a family of two for two shouldn't be a problem.

Last but not least is the silly (in my book) well water inspection. I think they did that Tuesday. I only have this suspicion because they said "We'll have to chlorinate the well to do the test" and when I showered tuesday night after the softball games, there was a *definite* chlorine smell to the I'm assuming that was them...not sure what else it could be...even if we're in a drought and the well is going low, I would think it would be cloudy or dirty water, not chlorine tasting.

So there's the survey and title insurance left, and the lawyer's taking care of that. I guess I should just sit back and relax...there's gonna be a closing...

So why am I expecting the other shoe to drop?

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