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2002-06-05 - 10:01 a.m.

So...apparently I'm just supposed to roll over and say "yes dear, whatever you want" when I'm asked if I think something is a good idea.

Why bother asking then?

I've done Weight Watchers before. It's a good plan, *IF* you stick to it.

Neither of us is any good at sticking to *anything*

Why pay $1200 a year to fail at something, when we can fail just as well for free?

It's just like the health club membership we bought because "I think we need to get in shape". We used it like 10 times over three years, in two short spurts.

What makes anyone think it'd be any different?

We were on a diet, it was working, we were both losing weight steadily, and I don't recall many moans about the food, then we got off the diet.

I'm not pointing blame, I'm stating facts...we hit a busy and stressful time, and the first thing to go was the ability to eat right.

And paying $12/week to stand on a scale is going to fix that? How does adding yet another meeting to our schedule that "We need to cut things out of" help the core problem?

If I actually believed either of us would be able to actually stay with the damned thing, I'd say screw the house, pay Weight Watchers...but it's a question of priorities.

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