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2002-05-14 - 2:11 p.m.

Wow...Dinwiddie gets *dark* at night.

Yes, I know, that's a statement of brilliance, but we discovered just how dark it was last night.

At about 7:00 or so, the lights decided to go out. Apparently our electrical substation had gotten knocked out by the storms. This isn't terribly surprising.

Nor was the fact that Southside Electric Cooperative didn't get it back up until about 9:30 this morning.

But what it did do was set us up for a very dark night. This isn't like RIchmond, where it doesn't really get dark...even at night there's shops with neon signs and the like lighting up the sky enough to kinda make out shapes and figure out where you are. It was *dark*.

Reminded me of something I did my 2nd or 3rd night at College in Cornfieldville Illinois. I left the dorms at like midnight and went out into a Cornfield as far as I could, and realized that it was so dark I couldn't see to get back to the dorms.

Thankfully I figured out how to turn exactly around and got back...but still...

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