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2002-05-09 - 10:11 a.m.

The number one sound you absolutely do *not* want to hear from the sewing machine when your wife is working on the critical last few seams of the first of two pavillions has got to be a crunching metal on metal grinding to a halt sound.

Yet, that was the sound we heard last night.

So, the Pavillion project (tm) now gets to be a grand travelling Pavillion project (tm). Sorcha and Andrew have graciously offered us the use of their machine for the couple of hours it should take us to finish the big (and most critical...) pavillion Sunday, and at some point over the summer we'll be headed up there again for a one day "let's make an armoring sized pavillion" sewing session.

I don't feel so friendless anymore...when we were doing the very first pavillion 3 years ago, we would have gotten to this point and had nowhere to turn. That would have sucked.

Fortunately, the sewing machine doens't appear to be totally hosed, it was just up against more than it really wanted to sew, so it has loosened some things that are probably supposed to be tight, and tightened some things that are probably supposed to be loose, and a week at a sewing machine repair place and $100 or so should get it back in perfect running order.

It was probably overdue for some service anyhow.

We'll be ready for Sapphire/Emerald/Diamond/Insert PRecious stone here Joust. And then it's the two month Pennsic Push. Ahh Spring, when every young scadian's heart turns to "How am I going to get everything ready for war??!!!"

Somewhere in there we have to buy the house too. The contract is signed by the seller and waiting for us at the Post Office. We got the little "You have mail" postcard last night. Not sure when we'll be able to get to the Post Office to get it, but that's a minor point.

So I guess today's just kind of a waiting game.

Could be worse, it could be raini...oh is raining.

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