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2002-05-08 - 12:39 p.m.


Colin is a man of his word. I beith a Superduper hero type now.

Just mildly bummed that he couldn't work the curling in there somewhere...but I'll get over it. :)

Seriously, though, I now have a purpose to drive me through all the 6 hour long conflict checking meetings, to succor me through the flamewars of commentary, and to just plain keep me going when times get crappy...things *WILL* change. The Heralds will realize that we exist for the use of our clients, not that the submitters exist to bend to our arcane (and intensely non-period) rules.

Yep, it's a Quixotic Windmill I'm tilting at, but hey, Man of La Mancha was a pretty darned good musical, and I think Rhiannon (the one that's my wife, not the one that's a Pelican) would make a pretty darned good Dulcinea.

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