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2002-05-01 - 10:06 a.m.

The numbers are in from the appraiser...

We needed $109,000...we've got $113,000.

I'm not a math expert or anything, but I think $113,000 is more than $109,000.

We have to get a well/septic certification and a termite inspection, but that's just paperwork. We've cleared the last big hurdle.

Well...other than coming up with $5,000 to make the down payment and closing...but that's coming from the State of Virginia sometime this month.

I think we're going to make it.

Anybody know a good well/septic guy in Central Virginia?

Onto other things...

Softball games last night. As most everyone knows, I've never been confused with a world class athlete (Somehow, when it comes to athletic endeavors, curling doesn't count...). My primary purpose in these softball games is to avoid major injury.

Well, I almost didn't accomplish the primary purpose last night.

Was the third inning of the first game. I was pitching. Had gotten a little bit flustered at the very beginning of the game when the umpire told me I'd been practicing for two weeks at too short of a distance...see...a softball field has two rubbers, one about 4 feet in front of the other. I figured (and noone told me any different) that the back one was for fast pitch and the front one was for slow pitch...apparently I was wrong.

(So what's the front one for then? Enquiring minds wanna guess entered in the guestbook wins my undying admiration).

Anyhow, it had taken me a couple of innings to retrain my arm to throw 51 feet rather than 47. This is harder than it sounds. Was finally getting to the point where 80% of the pitches were things people would swing at, and that's about good enough.

So there's a man on 2nd base (looking rather serious, as though this was the 7th game of the World series, not the third game of a co-ed recreational league slo-pitch softball season), and the person at bat hits a shot out to center field.

The pitcher's job in that circumstance is to cover home plate, because generally, the person catching a co-ed slow pitch softball game is the female who was begged and pleaded to come out to the game because the team needed 5 female players, and she was promised that she wouldn't have to do much, just catch the pitches and try and hit.

So Alex Rodriguez's brother out on second base decides he's going to score...and our center fielder decides he isn't going to score...yes, that's right...a play at the plate.

The runner comes in sliding, spikes (spikes in a co-ed rec league???) high, I'm foolishly standing there in front of the plate, figuring I could maybe catch the ball and apply the tag.

Well, I did catch the ball, and I did apply the tag, but he got in just under it (apparently, so sayeth the umpire).

More importantly, though, athleteboy runs smack dab into my left shin.

And I thought offside butt wraps hurt...

I removed myself from the game (like...duh!!!), and Gina came over and looked at the injury.

It's really just a minor bruise...but sheesh...he's taking this way too seriously.

Especially when you consider they were ahead 11-1 at the time...

Hey, I never said our team was good.

Alright...time to work.

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