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2002-04-25 - 11:27 a.m.

Okay, I officially don't understand this diet thing, or else our scale is *WAY* broke.

We went out with some friends to Olive Garden last night. I was feeling bleah and unfed, so I ate...well...rather a lot really...Had more than my share of the obligatory breadsticks and salad, as well as the 'Tour of Italy', which is a helping of lasagna, fettucine alfredo and some parmesagn meat of some sort (I think it was chicken...might have been baby cow, don't remember...), and I sucked down two Sprites and had a slice of chocolate something cheesecakey for dessert.

So I stepped on the scale today to assess the damage...figuring 2-3 lbs...and I was willing to make that sacrifice for my overall sanity (and my mood is improved as well...I wonder if I'm type II diabetic like the wife is...).

I had stepped on the scale yesterday AM as well, so I could accurately assess just how much dinner would be costing me weightwise...yep, this violates diet rule

Of course, when I stepped on the scale this morning, I've lost 3 lbs since yesterday.

So...I hereby announce my revolutionary Diet's the "Ridiculously large amounts of pasta and salad" diet...go to Olive Garden, eat lots of food, eat dessert, lose weight.

Hey, it could work.

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