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2002-04-24 - 3:17 p.m.

I'm in a funk.

Not even really sure why I'm in a funk. Suppose it could be post-event funk, but truly Night on Board, although much fun, wasn't the earthshatteringly huge "God, I wish this event would never end" amount of fun that I would associate with slipping into a funk.

I'm simultaneously bored and too busy to breathe. That can't be a good combination.

People are saying things which probably shouldn't affect me, but I'm getting all depressed about them, or getting mad because they don't agree with my personal opinions or whatever...not my best side.

As an example, BFI forgot to pick up our trash Monday. Not terribly surprising, since our house is on a new street as far as their route is concerned, and I suspect that the folks who drive garbage trucks are more creatures of habit than 'Let's check the sheet and see if we have new pickups'.

So no, this shouldn't bother me, especially when BFI was apologetic and offered to pick up the trash yesterday or today (didn't happen yesterday...hopefully it's gone by now...), but instead I had a " I knew they weren't going to come and get our trash" moment.

Likewise, the guy called to come and appraise our house. He wanted to do it tomorrow. That isn't anywhere near enough notice, especially since I have to take 3 1/2 hours off work (to drive 45 minutes home, be there 15 minutes early, stand around while he does the 30 minute appraisal, and drive back to the office (and yes, I know, that doesn't add up to 3 1/2 hours...I always overestimate when asking for time off, just in case).

So I'm sitting on the phone, and the guy asks me to name a time...and I can't think of one. I'm staring at my calendar, and Monday is perfectly clear, and I can't seem to think "How's Monday?"

But, it's scheduled for Monday now.

I blame the diet. It's probably not the diet's fault, but I'm blaming it anyhow. I'm always hungry, and the meals aren't quite getting to the "Yep, I can exist off this" point yet during the day.

Dinners we've got nailed. Some chicken and rice does pretty darned well, but breakfast and lunch just hasn't quite worked out yet. I'm sorry, but the 220 calorie "budget gormet" thing may be plenty of food for Miss Anorexic Virginia, but for me, it barely stands as an appitizer.

Unfortunately, I seem to be stuck at 305 lbs (and that assumes the scale is weighing me accurately...I think it's low). I don't seem to be getting any lower.

Screw it...maybe being fat is just better. At least I'll die of a heart attack before I'm old...leave more air for everyone else.

See? Told you I was in a funk.

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