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2002-03-01 - 8:51 a.m.


Woke up this morning convinced it was Friday...and it was! Happy day, galoo galay and frortaling in my joy and all that.

(No, I'm not having a seizure at the's from a poem, really, it is, honest...misspelled horribly, I'm sure, but it's there).

Survivor is back, and back to the beach! Yeah!!!! The first one was the only one that really seemed different and intriguing to me (although I watched the other two religiously...they just didn't have the pull the first one did).

This time they stranded the folks on the island without food or water (well...they did give them a map to that part wasn't hard...and amazingly enough right next to the water source is a bunch of edible root plants...coincidence? I can't say, I slept during ecology class, but it's either real good planning or real fake...can't say which yet).

The fire thing should have been much easier for these people...they got a magnifying glass, for pete's sake!!!! Every two year old knows that you find the sun, figure out the focal length of the lens by trial and error and wait, and eventually, it will happen.

That's how these folks did it, but one of the teams tried it for about 2 seconds and then figured "Gee...the tropical sun can't possibly be as bright as it is in my hometown of Cloudyville, Nebraska, so let's try rubbing two wet sticks together and see if that works."

Never mind the fact that that *never* works...and obviously they gave you a magnifying glass to start a fire!

Amazingly enough, it didn't work...WOW! GEE! I didn't see *that* coming!!

So the next day they went off and tried it with the magnifying glass and it worked. Anybody wanna place bets on some intern sneaking up to someone and saying "Hey...dummies...magnifying glass...sun...dry me on this!!"?

I have latched onto my favorite. Rob, the Construction guy from Massachusetts, wears a New England Patriots hat religiously (like, it hasn't been not seen yet, although it's frequently turned around). I'm wondering if this is the inevitable "Clue to who wins the game" that Mark Burnett allegedly always plants in the first episode.

In the first series, Richard was interviewed, and he said "I'm going to win the million bucks, take that to the bank" (or something to that effect).

In the second series, there was a difference in the way the opening credits went that showed Tina differently than everyone else. You could only see it if you looked real close, but it was there.

In the last series...ehh..who cares...the last series SUCKED!!

So, I'm thinking it's Rob. I'm sure I'll be crushed when he's voted off next week.

My other hero is this one woman who is...okay...we'll be blunt here...fat. Not my weight class fat, but probably a good 40-50 pounds over the USDA recommended limit. (On the other hand, they say TV puts on 20 maybe she's just don't matter). She's also one of the oldest persons in the game (49).

Anyhow, my theory is that *if* she manages to get past the first 3-4 episodes, she could be a powerful force. Think about it. She will be rounding into shape (from the increased level of activity and likely thinner diet than she's accustomed to), right around when the other folks start to fall off from muscle mass loss.

Plus (and more importantly, in my mind) the fact that the "beautiful people" will ignore her because "She's fat, therefore she's lazy, therefore she's not a threat to us, we'll be able to take her out at our leisure".

It wouldn't surprise me if she walked away with it all. I sure as heck hope she does if Rob doesn't. And actually, I think I'd rather she wins than Rob, I just think Rob's more likely right now.

The only problem is that the previews for the next episode seem to indicate that she is going to be going into a bitchy, controlling mood next show...that's always a bad sign.'s friday...time to do work.

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