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2002-02-28 - 1:19 p.m.

Woke up this morning convinced it was Friday...and fairly happy about that, all told.

Unfortunately, it's Thursday.

Work isn't bad today. Wrapping up a set of projects and picking up more. Not sure what's on the adgenda for tonight...guess I'll find out tonight :)

I feel like doing some casting...but I'm out of useful pewter. I overcooked my first batch once, and it's kinda separated out into the component pieces or just looks wrong.

Don't have a good mold in mind either...need to get better at making those.

Might have found a curling club within just barely tolerable's Potomac, MD, but that's only like a 3 hour drive...I could do that for curling.

Yep, I'm sick...what's your point?

And heck, who knows, maybe I'll find a bunch of Richmond folks up there and be able to get something going down here.

Hey, it could happen.

Waiting for word on Rhiannon's job. It sounds like she's gonna get it, but I won't believe it until I see the offer letter, or hear the offer message at least.

I really hope that happens. VCU is treating her like that which dog food is processed into by the dog. Not at all fair in my mind.

I wanna be a fencing Viking.

I wanna be a Combat Archer

I wanna nap

Yep, these are mutually exclusive goals. Maybe I can dream about being a fencing Archer Viking.

Dunno...must be nap time.

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