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2002-02-21 - 12:02 p.m.

OKay...things aren't looking quite so bleak now.

Got four of the roof sections for the first pavillion cut out last night, as well as getting all twelve pockets cut and sewn and the toggle holding thingies that need a better name than "toggle holding thingies".

Tonight is cutting out another four roof sections. Maybe 6 if we get on a roll.

Gotta say, Sorcha's pattern works the canvas a lot better than the pattern we used for the first one. Just one small problem, we have 59" wide canvas, not 58". So the lines don't end up exactly on top of each other, but it still works out. The pieces look right. All will be well.

The world does need to develop a chalk line that doesn't permanently stain, though. There's going to be red lines all over the place on the segments...most of them are under sew lines...I think...we'll see.

All told, I think we're doing well.

Gotta get the March submissions online tonight too. That will take about an hour or two.

Gina's interview is at 3:30 today. I think she will do just fine. I don't think it's a formality, but I think if she handles herself well (and I'm sure she will) she'll do fine.

Only one big bummer...only one more curling game to watch this Olympics...and it's on while I'm at work!!! .

Ahh well. It was nice to see some, even if it's only for a few minutes once every four years...kinda like an old friend who brings back the *only* good memory I have from Nebraska other than flipping the entire state off from just over the Iowa border when I was on my way here.

Come to think of it, that was probably more of an Iowa memory than a Nebraska one anyhow.

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