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2002-02-21 - 2:16 p.m.

OOooh...somebody asked what curling is...(somebody, in this case, being the evertalented Master Bryce de Byrum). So, without further ado, this is me going off into a discussion of my absolute favorite sport I will probably never get to play again...

Curling is an old sport, going back about 600 years (Yes, I could probably do an A&S project on it...I'm thinking about it). It originated in Scotland, and spread to Canada when a bunch of Scots moved over there in the 1800's. It's also fairly well known in the scandanavian countries.

The simplest metaphor is probably shuffleboard on ice, but that is so very, very inadequate of a description.

A curling rink (or "sheet") is approximately 140 feet long, with two bullseyes set 120 feet apart from each other. Around these bullseyes are 12ft diameter circles (painted in three or four concentric rings to make distance determinations easier, only the 12 ft circle makes a difference in the game). Just behind each circle ("the rings") is set a small rubber footrest "The hack", from which shots are thrown.

A curling team consists of four players, the Skip, the Vice-skip, the lead and the second. Generally, the Skip is in charge, and the lead and second do most of the grunt work.

A game is played between two teams, and consists of ten "ends", somewhat analagous to baseball innings. Each end consists of 8 stones being thrown by each team (2 by each player), alternating between teams. After all 16 stones are shot, the closest stone to the bullseye scores one point for it's team. That team also scores one additional point for each stone of theirs closer to the bullseye than the other teams closest stone.

The delivery of the stone is a difficult balancing act. The shooter slides out of the hack, and balances on a teflon-coated shoe, then carefully matches the speed of his shot to match whatever the purpose of the shot is.

There is a TON of strategy involved. Guards are thrown up to block areas of the scoring rings, takeouts are thrown to remove rocks that are in the way, double or triple combination shots are thrown to change the direction of the game completely.

It's a fascinating game to watch (well...for me at least), and it's 10 times more fascinating to play.

Oh...and Bryce...after the go out drinking with your teammates and the other team...thought you'd like that :)

As I've said before, I have a silver medal in curling, from the 1997 Nebraska Cornhusker State games. No, that doesn't make me Olympic class, although I have played against (and gotten SOUNDLY beaten by) the team which represents the USA in this year's Olympics.

Unfortunately, you can't find a curling rink within 150 miles of my career is likely over...and that's sad...but I'll get over it, I guess.

At least I get to watch it every four years and do the "Yep, I've competed against him". Not many folks can say that :)

So, you asked, and I told ya :) (Late edit: Much more information can be found at This site )

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