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2002-02-15 - 1:39 p.m.'s time for me to unburden myself and come out of the closet...

I love luge!!!!!!!!

And no, that's not some weird Italian mafiosa misspelling, it's an Olympic Sport. It's basically sledding on steroids, 70 miles an hour, flat on your back, none of this sissy bobsled shell around you, just you, on a 50 pound seat on some razor sharp runners and a wall of ice.

You can have your skydiving, your bungee jumping, your paintball or your rollerblading...I'll take luge.

Someday, I *will* luge. The big problem is that I live in Virginia...not exactly a winter sports hotbed. The nearest track is in Lake Placid, New York. Kind of a hike, ya know?

But the dream lives on, because I have found it....the LUGE FANTASY CAMP!!!!

Seriously...two days of luge instruction, at the Olympic training Center, from the Olympic coaches, using Olympic class stuff, and no less than 4 videotaped runs down the luge track, with critiques and timing and everything.

Yeah, it's $2000...which is a lot of money for two days...but some of it is tax deductible (it's a donation to the US Luge Foundation, who does this as a fundraiser)...

Gotta figure I'd be awesome at this, since the "Big man" in luge is this guy, Georg Hackl, who is known as the "White Sausage" (No kidding...that's a rough nickname to go through life with, I'd figure...), who is considered to be so fast because he is heavier than most of his competitors...and I've gotta outweigh him by a good 75 pounds.

It's either that, or steal some of Aradd's icetime and form a curling club. Yeah, that'd go over well.'s almost four years until the next Olympics...plenty of time...what's that URL again??

Probably no updates this weekend, since we'll be going and getting the bigole sewing machine tomorrow, and then diving into massive cutting and stitching just wait for it (both of you who read this! :) )

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