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2002-02-05 - 1:58 p.m.

Well now...

Today is one of those days when I wonder why I dare to say that I think I'm a DBA.

I'm a programmer/DBA for a law firm here in Richmond. Basically, me and a team of 7 programmers write applications and manage the databases for settlements to big Class Action lawsuits.

One of the things we have to do is get a ton of information from about a zillion different places and compile it all together into one database, so one application can access it all, so the lawyers managing the settlement (None of that Perry Mason kinda stuff...the trial is LONG over...never even happened actually...the case was settled the day it was filed) can just push buttons and see what's going on.

So today, I have to get "Fund A" data into this application. I can't tell you who's Fund A it is, or why it's called Fund A...just take my word for it, it's important and they want it now. Problem is, the database describing Fund A that I'm trying to import has something like 75,000 records in it, with something like 150 columns in each record, and they're named nice descriptive things like "COL_12_UNBEN_AMT_OVER".

And just think...I get paid for this!

So...I think it's time for lunch.

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