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Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2002 - 9:17 am

Diaryland Trading Cards!

member since 2/5/2002
128 entries
Gold Edition

Description: Gorm...some would refer to him as "That annoying Herald", some would refer to him as "Golden Boy, the Sentinel of Service", some would refer to him as "Alan", one or two would even refer to him as something not suitable for a family oriented webpage.

Strengths: Stronger than tinfoil, faster than a speeding slug, able to leap to tall conclusions in a single bound.

Weaknesses: Offside butt wraps.

Special Skills: Able to cast confusion in a 10 foot radius by simply asking a group of Heralds "Why do we do it that way?"

Weapons: The library of Doom and scissors of red tape cutting +4.

Motto: IF at first you don't succeed...bury all the bodies and line up an IPO in a hurry.

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