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2003-07-17 - 11:33 a.m.

(The following is a work in progress and an idea just germinating...the edges aren't finished and it wouldn't even stand up to the 10 foot test yet, read on at your own risk, comments in the guestbook are welcome) I have two or three options at this point to deal with a situation I don't like. I can be part of the solution or part of the problem or just go away.

#3 isn't an option, since Rhiannon is finally hitting her stride, and it would be a dirty rotten shame to steal it from her.

So, here is what I'm thinking:

Problem:Too many non-period things at SCA events that aren't even moderately disguised.

Solution Currently in place, but unacceptable and insufficient to me:"Must cover armor" rule.

Goal:Provide a tool to encourage people to voluntarily improve their "spiff" factor (where spiff is defined as Period, Decent looking, and appropriate to the setting), without having to club people over the heads with the "Period Police"

Proposed Solution:The solution has several parts, which should work together but could work separately as well:

First, Assemble a group of people committed to gradually improving their own stuff. Something akin to the challenge Cuan put forth during his last reign (Basically, make one part of your recreation more period during the 6 month course of his reign). This group will *NOT* be a Kingdom Order, Guild, Chartered group, or anything else even remotely approaching official. People can join or drop out as their time allows.

Second, This group of people assembles a set of "How can this be improved" solutions to the common problems (from my experience it's footwear, chairs, keeping food safe, tentage, and beverages that are the biggies, there's others). Stuff like patterns for cooler covers, false boxes, peg chairs (Yeah, I know, they aren't really period, but they look better than the nylon things and they're relatively easy to build), that sort of thing. Stuff that folks who have been around probably know how to do, but not everyone does, and improvement is always welcome. This collection is put on some accessible medium (web page, perhaps, perhaps a privately published book, whatever seems right)

Third, the members of this group devise some sort of token thingy to be given to folks who either a> display a high level of spiff or b> show large improvement in their spiff factor. Different folks can have different tokens, the important thing is just like A&S entrants get little "Good job, keep it up" things in displays, folks showing effort in spiff get similar recognition, to show that *someone* notices

Forth, the members of this group commit themselves to being available as much as possible to assisting people *who seek out assistance* in improving their spiff. Different folks will have different specialties, most likely, so some sort of "Who knows how to do what?" list is probably appropriate, so the person seeking help can get to the right person relatively easily.

The *seek out assistance* part is key. Everyone in this group should promise to NEVER, EVER, blindly criticize someone's efforts, no matter how feeble they may be. Offering assistance is a double edged sword, sometimes it can come across as offensive, especially if done hurridly without thinking.

If approached and asked to help, then sure, criticize *constructively*, offer suggestions, offer help, whatever seems appropriate to the situation, but don't look down on someone because they don't meet your level.

Fifth: The group should actively recruit others to help in the effort,

Sixth: The members of the group should occasionally offer public challenges in a fun way, like sponsoring efforts to disgusise/eliminate a mundanity or the like.

(end idea)

Like I said, it's a work in might not even be a good idea...but to me at least it seems better than picking an arbitrary area and making an arbitrary declaration of how things "Must be". Done right, I would think this would gradually encourage people to consider their kit, improve it, and encourage others to do the same, and that can't be a bad thing.

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