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2002-10-28 - 11:43 a.m.

Gee...I think I had fun this past weekend...although lifting my arms above my waist is a chore and I'm soaking my right wrist in ice water every so often because it hurts.

But yeah, the Celtic Festival was a blast.

We had a friend come up from North Carolina who had some experience with the Ren Faires, but hadn't really done any SCA specific stuff before. She was impressed with the way we put on our show, and wants to come help again next year, and might even come to some events and stuff...we'll see how she does.

She was also invaluable in helping Rhiannon get through the warp of doom...390 threads of wool took them together damned near all day Saturday to warp.

And to be honest, that which has been woven looks pretty darned good. Is it perfect? No. But who cares? It looks darned good.

Me...I did Gorm the insane fighter boy bits all day...primarily in the role of "Guy who gets stuck or clubbed and falls down dramatically and gets the OOhs and AAhs which he can't hear because he's hitting the ground".

I never knew my stagecraft classes would be so useful...I learned how to do a limp "I'm dead" fall to the ground, sell it, and not hurt myself....a very useful skill.

And lemme tell you, the damp grass of the demo was a far sight easier to fall on than wooden stage.

Apparently I did so well I scared folks on a couple of occasions...I know Balynar was scared he'd broken me once...but nope, I'm okay...I just let the momentum crumble me to the ground :)

Wonder if you can get a Laurel in creative dying :) (Just kidding...I doubt it's documentable anyhow...although...I wonder if they taught Shakespearean actors how to die...hmm...might have a research avenue to pursue.......)

Actually, I think I fought pretty well. Saturday was rapier day, and although I was on the pointy end of the sword a lot more often than I was on the not-so-pointy end, I think I noticed something...and I also think my stance is improving...the videotape from University is helping, even though I haven't watched it since, I know it's there, and I've seen what's on it.

Sunday, there wasn't a rapier Marshall available, so I did the Rattan stuff...and actually didn't do so bad there either...actually won one of the Mass Melee's, after stabbing the Baron in the gut (Yep, I'm a rapier weenie...can't even win a heavy fight without tip control :) ).

For some reason, I'm more aggressive in demos...probably because I'm concentrating more on "OKay, let's make it a good loud show, throw lots of shots and don't worry about it" more than I do in practice/tourneys...maybe I'll experiment with it a little bit at the next event I fight at.

Although the first priority is being able to lift my arms... short, it was a great weekend, lots of folks appeared interested by what we were doing, a smaller number took information, and a handful appeared like they might be interested enough to come to practice/gather and join...we'll see.

Now...where's my Advil?

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