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2002-10-23 - 1:44 p.m.

Okay...I feel very disconnected with things now...

So the sniper wasn't actually caught in Richmond Monday...damn...was hoping. But at the same time, as Andrew went and done said, your odds of getting killed in a car wreck are a bunch worse than getting shot by this jerk.

And what's worse...he isn't even doing it for an ideology or because he's in love with Jody Foster or even because the voices in his head say he's God...he just wants $10,000,000.

Well geez...why not just play lotto?

Celtic festival demo this upcoming weekend...we're bringing the 40" floor loom and Rhi's doing a weaving demo. We bought some wool yarn from Halcyon, and well...we'll it turns out the color we thought was a nice red is more of an orangish than red, and the spools just have a "There's not enough here" feel to them...but it's too late to do anything about it now, all we can do is warp it and weave it. Rhi's planning on doing a simple weave anyhow, so really, I guess she could use just about any thread for the weft and it wouldn't matter.

Me...I'll be dressed up in rapier clothes and trying to skewer my friends, or dressed up in heavy stuff and trying to slice my friends to pieces, one of the two.

In other news, apparently we're getting a new dog next month. A couple of friends of ours have to get rid of their dogs because one of them is *highly* allergic to we'll be getting one of them. Which brings us to the next "Oh dear Lord, what in hell were we thinking?" project...

Yes, it's time to...fence in the backyard.

We've stepped it out and priced it and all that, and for a mere $600, we can enclose in beautiful chain link a piece of Dinwiddie County for our very own.

Assuming of course we can dig all the holes, pour the quickset concrete, and do all this without killing ourselves or the friends coming down to help.

Current odds...about 50/50.

Ahh well.

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