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2002-07-23 - 1:45 p.m.

I'm starting to be convinced Robert Heinlein was right...

In Starship Troopers, the main character says "I've learned that happiness can be defined as one thing...getting enough sleep."

My mood yesterday was, perhaps not black, but at least a dark, dark shade of grey. I don't think I actually killed anybody...but boy did I consider it. Mostly it was because I hadn't slept worth a damn in over a week. Too much to do in too little time and work isn't going well and 1000 other little nagging things that keep me from sleeping through the night.

So lastnight I took some sleeping pills, just over the counter items.

And I slept pretty darned well.

And my mood this morning was lifted. It's not a white mood, but it's at least a lighter tone of grey.

This, I think, is good.

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