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2002-06-19 - 9:22 a.m.

OKay...we're in the homestretch.

This Diary is being composed at 9:22 AM according to the clock on my PC...which means that in 9 days, 2 hours and 38 minutes we'll be closing on the house.

Everything is done, or at least out of our hands. All the paperwork is where it needs to be, the money is in the bank waiting to be spent, the Deed transferring the title is being written by the lawyer, the correction of Deed fixing the problem uncovered in the title search is being written by the other lawyer. It's just countdown time.

Last night we went grocery shopping, to continue on the great weight loss quest. Rhiannon's lost like 15 lbs so far (as confirmed by her doctor), which is about right for three months, maybe a little slow, but not bad. I've lost about the same myself.

We've already trimmed out most of the "easy" stuff from the diet, so any further losses would have to come either from tighter portion control (bleah!) or becoming creative in cooking.

So we picked up a bunch of different things to try. We're both popcorn nuts, but it has to have butter on it, plains and simple. Plain popcorn just sucks. So we got some butter flavored Pam to try and spray on it.

Surprisingly enough, it works pretty well. And it's a lot fewer fat and calories (like 10 rahter than 250).

In the same vein, on a whim I picked up a $1.85 bottle of balsamic vinegar.

We watch Food Network all the time, and the chefs are always cooking with balsamic vinegar. They claim it's sweet and all that...we figured they had to be smoking something...vinegar is sour, not sweet!

But, I put some on the chicken breasts we tinfoil cooked last night, and surprise of surprises, it was actually sorta sweet. Not sugary sweet, but not the sour I expected either.

Twas good, very good.

So we can cut down on the olive oil we use and still get some juicy flavor...that's a good thing.

OKay...time to look like I'm doing productive work.

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