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2002-05-28 - 1:17 p.m.

So, let's borrow a page from Dame Anne's playbook and recap the best and worst from Sapphire Joust...


Getting to spend a weekend with my wife and a couple of our close friends without having to worry about getting stuff done.

The way our new pavillion looks standing up, it actually looks like it belongs.

The fencing tourney being a model of good sportsmanship and chivalry, I saw nothing I had issue with, and heck, even the guy who usually hits too hard wasn't hitting all that hard.

Finding a Triplette undergarment in my size, and finding out that it does indeed make the world more comfortable.

Being complimented on my skill and my behavior by several combatants.

Not being expected to have to Herald the tourneys more or less completely by myself for the first time in four years (Well...okay, last year would have worked out with enough help as well, except that it got rained out)

Seeing Lady Susanna on the Heavy field again after she overcame her knee injury. Didn't get to see how well she did, but just the fact she was out there so quickly made me believe in the healing powers of confidence and hard work again.

Being surprised by the feast cook and autocrat by being presented with a set of dishes that had been prepared without the nuts (that I'm allergic to) simply because my wife asked about them. I'm usually prepared to just eat what I can and cope, but they actually reworked a couple (2 I think) of the dishes for our table so I wouldn't have to worry about it.

The not so good:

Being berated by a "Peer" for an act which he had just committed exactly the same way not 2 minutes earlier, the only difference being I did it in front of his friends whereas he did it in front of mine.

Knowing that since this "Peer" has a much wider and much more powerful circle of friends than I have, that I will end up being the bad guy in the exchange.

Seeing the finial for the single pole pavillion just not quite work right...gonna have to rethink that a bit.

Not being nearly ready for the 85 degree heat...makes me worry about Pennsic a bit.

Still...all was a good weekend. I'm still trying to remember where the fun is, but I think I might remember where I left it.

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