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2002-04-16 - 4:20 p.m.

Hard day today...

Today was the day I had to take the database that all seven of us here at the office have been working on for the past 4 weeks straight and commit it to scripting.

In theory, that's as easy as pushing a button and saving the file. UNless of course something weird happens, like...oh...the database being eaten alive by the scripting process.

No, I don't know how that happened. No, I don't think it should have been possible. Yes, it was gone. Yes, thankfully, I had a backup. All is well now, but it was dicey for a while.

First two games of the Corporate Softball season tonight. I'm the pitcher in the 2nd game, and the entire goal is to try not to get hurt (Hey, it's the small goals that count here), and not to walk too too many folks (walks in slo-pitch softball are tres embarassing).

Somehow, I doubt my athletic endeavors will match up to Aradd's but it's a hobby...gotta do what I gotta do.

Night on Board is this weekend. Time to dust off the rapier and skewer me some white scarves. Then the rapier probably goes away until Pennsic. Because I have to get my sword and shield and CA work in if I'm going to be worth a damn at the War.

Ahh War (HUH!) Good God War, what is it good for? Well, for me it's an incentive to lose 30 lbs (might already be 12 into the mission, if I believe the scale...I don't, but it sounds good), and to get the treadmill walking up to a brisk jog for at least 10-15 minutes a day.

Bought a shield blank, left arm, and shield basket at Coronation. Just have to find out how to put my device on there. Torn between painting it on and doing a fabric cover. Big problem with the fabric cover is what sort of fabric has a prayer of standing up to the kind of abuse my shield gets.

Not from blocking shots...unfortunately...mostly from being left outside, riding in the back of the truck, etc, etc, etc. Oh well, something will get figured out.

Of course, with softball being on the same tuesday nights as fighter practice, getting any sort of practice could be tough. Have to get my fanny to as many events as possible, I guess. Just getting in better shape would probably help. I understand the theory, my body just doesn't do what I tell it to do yet. That'll come with conditioning. Got four months to get in shape, that should be just about enough.

Thought for about a millionth of a second about applying for a spot in Mongo's "The few, the proud, the LARGE" shield wall...but then determined that my body wasn't ready for that. Maybe next year (but probably not). I'll just support the shield wall by tossing arrows over it when allowed (hopefully often) and standing there with a shield ready to plug a gap when I can't.

This year the goal is to make it to every battle (except the Woods battle...I'm only doing the woods battle if forced to, and since it's a volunteer organization, guess I'm not going to be forced to :) ). I just hope there's enough battles to be interesting. I'm sure there will be.

OKay, that's about long enough, I guess. Talk to ya all tomorrow.

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