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2002-03-18 - 11:28 a.m.

Well, I was going to use this space to gush about going curling Saturday.

Instead, Sunday we got the e-mail I was hoping we wouldn't get from our landlord.

Basically, he wants to sell the house.

Not sure if we're ready to buy it or not. We've been cleaning up our credit, but the sins of the (distant, but not apparently distant enough) past still haunt us. We've got some money for a down payment, but not as much as we'd like to have.

So now starts the process of calling mortage brokers, trying to find someone to lend us $95,000 to buy a house.

I hope we manage it, I don't want to move. Yeah, it's laziness talking, but I like where I am, it's comfy, it's away from everything, there's a nice crawlspace that's good for burying the bodies of the folks who submit bad Heraldry (just kidding Colin...put down that pen!).

Just not sure we're going to be able to swing it. If I had $5,000 more I'd feel confident, but I don't.

Guess we'll see.

Oh well...Curling on Saturday was cool anyhow.

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