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2002-02-26 - 12:27 p.m.

99.9999% of the world can just move on to somebody else's page...this is for me and can read it if ya want, but it'll probably just make you go "they're weird!!!"

Happy Birthday to the love of my life, the person who makes me wake up in the morning (which usually elicts the grouchies...but you know I'm glad you do it), the person who tells me "Sure, we can drive three hours to see if a curling club is cool or not", the person who makes my frazzled moments somewhat bearable, and the person who I don't think I could function without.

Yes, that's you. :P

We've been together for almost five years now, married for darned near four. Are we where we hoped we would be? Well...kinda...we're in the House we wanted, even if we are just renting and it's a bit further away from everything that we might like. We don't have any kids, but I'm sure the dog and cats and bird and fishies love us (except when we forget to clean the litterbox...but noone asked the cats love to be unconditional).

You've asked me 27,953 times "Are you sure you're okay with the fact that I can't have any children", and 27,953 times I've told you yes I am. Would I like to have one? Sure, if it happens I'm ready mentally to do my best at it. Am I expecting it? Nope. Will I look back when we're 95 and sitting on rocking chairs in the nursing home and regret it? Maybe, but only because I'll be old and senile with Alzheimer's and won't be able to remember all the time we've been together and how wonderful it's been.

I know our relationship hasn't really followed the track we started out on. But hey, I like this track better anyhow. We've got relatively sane friends, hobbies that keep us busy, and really, isn't that about all that can be asked for?

You support me in my whims...probably better than you should. You don't deny me anything, so far as I can remember. Even when we probably shouldn't do it, you find a way to make it happen. Even when it means you have to put off something *you* want, you do it.

I don't deserve you.

Once upon a time, someone told us "You might not love every second, but you'll love every minute." Even though that was in a world we really don't function in any more, and talking about an activity that has basically decided it's not really for us, the statement is true.

The trip has lasted 2,092,320 minutes so far...and I've loved every single, solitary one of them. I wouldn't trade any of them of the world.

Happy Birthday.

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