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2002-02-19 - 11:35 a.m.

(sigh) Sometimes I hate this job.

No, not my real job...that one's not bad. I'm talking about being Golden Dolphin.

(believe it or not, you're not the person I'm thinking about right me, you're not even 1/100th of the problem)

(Yes, that last sentence applied to you)

For those who don't know, Golden Dolphin is the Atlantian Kingdom Submissions basically, I'm the big mean guy who sits behind the table and says "NO! You can't be Rhiannon the Lightbringer of the Misty Marsh where the Unicorns live" or "NO, you can't have the Coat of Arms that you've been toting around events for twelve years, because it's not good heraldic style".

I hate to say no. Unfortunately, I can't always say yes. I have a set of rules I have to go by. I'm not in control of those rules. I also don't get to make the final decision. Just because *I* think that the name is good doesn't mean it will be approved. I am human, I make mistakes.

When people get told no, they get defensive...that's human nature. But what bothers me is that it seems like people don't bother to think through why I said I have to say no. Maybe, just maybe the reason gives you a clue as to how to fix the problem.

If you've been told "I'm sorry, but the evidence you presented didn't support X", then maybe, just maybe the solution is to offer more evidence for X. If the evidence isn't there, then perhaps you need to consider Y, or Z.

If you've been told "I'm sorry, but your design conflicts with the King of Kumquatia", the solution isn't to hold your breath until you turn blue and resubmit it with an angry note. The solution is to find out what the conflict is, and develop a way around it.

I am more than happy to help folks with's my's what I signed up to do. Why don't folks take advantage of that? Guess I'll never know.

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